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Title: An index coded approach for reducing number of broadcasts in vehicular networks
Authors: Patil, A.
Shekar, N.
Shet, V.
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 2017, Vol.2017-December, , pp.1823-1827
Abstract: Vehicular network standard demands a short range reliable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication with high mobility, also increasing amount of downloaded data in short encounters. Satisfying demands of clients with minimum number of transmissions using index coding has proven notable significance in wireless ad-hoc networks. The proper encoding at the server with side information leads to simultaneous satisfaction of clients with reduced amount of broadcasts. MERLIN (Maximum Expected download over Random LINks) is one of the fundamental protocols developed for optimizing downloads in vehicular networks over random encounter durations [1]. In this paper, we present I-MERLIN (Index coding based MERLIN) protocol and analyze its performance over MERLIN. We show that same amount of data can be downloaded from server in reduced number of transmissions, for single server multiple clients scenario. We also show that, I-MERLIN works well to satisfy multiple clients in minimum number of requests, which can be applicable for real road scenarios. � 2017 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:2. Conference Papers

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