1. Faculty Publications

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Search Results

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    Internet Literacy Skills and Perception on Internet among Commerce Students in Mangalore University, Karnataka
    (Shree Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2019) Kori, Dayanandappa; Angadi, Mallikarjun
    Information technology and the Internet are speedily reconstructing pretty much all aspects of our lives. This paper presents the Internet Literacy Skills and Perception on the Internet among Commerce Students at Mangalore University, Mangaluru the population of the study consists of MCom students of Mangalore University Study is conducted through a structured questionnaire. The current study has revealed Internet Literacy Skills and Perception on the Internet among commerce students. It was identified that all the respondents in the study use Internet, 96% (149) of the respondents use the internet every day, 118 (76%) respondents prefer Google Chrome as their Internet Browser. The Internet service has enabled the students to enhance their academic excellence by providing them the current information and access to global information.
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    Usage Pattern of Institutional Repositories for Scholarly Communication by Academician in Maharashtra
    (Shree Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2019) Gohain, Rashmi Rekha; Angadi, Mallikarjun
    This research study aims to study the awareness and use of institutional repositories by the academicians in Maharashtra. The academicians include different categories of users, viz., Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, Scientists, Senior Scientists, Research Scholars and Post-Doctorate Fellows of the selected institutions. A total of 1021 questionnaires were distributed, and the total response of 584 responses have been used for analysis purpose, and it comprises a total response rate of 12.67% of the total population of 4611. The study outcomes show that majority of the users from Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences and Pure Science discipline prefer to publish their research in open access journals and self-archive in institutional repositories. The study found that the majority of the users prefer to use Journal articles, Research papers, Theses and Dissertation and conference proceedings. However, due to lack of knowledge of submission process a considerable percentage of users with mean value 3.88 and standard deviation 1.953 were not self-archiving in IR. The study recommends promotion of self-archiving by conducting seminars, workshops, and tutorials for the academicians.
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    Publication Productivity and Research Impact of Top Five NITs: A Scientometric Analysis
    (Shree Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2019) Chavan, Basavaraj; Angadi, Mallikarjun; Nayak, Gundappa
    The paper indicated that ten years of data downloaded from the Scopus database from 2009 to 2018 indexed as on 27 October 2019. The top five NITs, according to the National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) score based ranking the institutes. The top five NITs research publications growth and analysis of bibliographic data of the total number of 24,056 research papers published from (NIT Tiruchirappalli, NIT Rourkela, NIT Karnataka, NIT Warangal, and NIT Calicut). The data analysis presents that comparison of the top five NITs research outputs continuously growing of research publications and their citations.
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    Use of Social Networks in Libraries
    (Shree Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2019) Jain, Divyanshu; Naikal, Appasaheb; Angadi, Mallikarjun
    Social media has become part of our routine life. Without social media; we can’t imagine our personal and professional life. Library and information centres can harvest this technology to promote their resources and services. In this paper, the authors explored how libraries can make use of this technology in reaching out to their patrons and promote the resources and services. Authors also tried, and o examined how different social network applications can be used to promote the LIS services and connect with the user on various social media platforms.
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    Research Data Management Policies, Plans and Solutions:The Imperatives for the Higher Education Institutions
    (Shree Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2019) Basumatary, Nijwm; Choukimath, Puttaraj; Angadi, Mallikarjun
    The emerging trend of today in the sphere of the library is the growing need for the management of the research data’s that would benefit the researcher and the institution. The goal of this study is to explore the role of a library in offering such research data management services. The study discusses the importance of research data, its preservation, organisation, dissemination and advantages in managing the research data’s. This paper unveils the essential policies to be adopted, the various plans for establishing Research and technological solutions for Research Data Management (RDM). An attempt has been made to indicate some of the most popular tools and technological solutions, which shall be adopted in successful RDM service implementation. It also highlights the advantages, challenges and the role of libraries and library professionals in implementing RDM as a researchers’ service.
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    Rankings of National Institute of Technology (NITs): A Scientometrics Analysis (2005-2015)
    (Mahasarakham University, Thailand, 2018) Shettar, Iranna. M; Angadi, Mallikarjun
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    Publication Productivity and Impact of Research in NITK, Surathkal: A Scientometric View
    (NavVishnu Publications, Navi Mumbai, 2018) Shettar, Iranna. M; Angadi, Mallikarjun
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    Digital Technologies and Transformation in Academic Libraries Vol-2
    (Shree Publishers & Distributors, 2019) Angadi, Mallikarjun; Hadagali, Gururaj S.; Shettar, Iranna; Kattimani, P. S.; Balutagi, Suresh; Agadi, Kotrayya B.
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    Digital Technologies and Transformation in Academic Libraries Vol-1
    (Shree Publishers & Distributors, 2019) Angadi, Mallikarjun; Hadagali, Gururaj S.; Shettar, Iranna; Kattimani, P. S.; Balutagi, Suresh; Agadi, Kotrayya B.
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    Publication trends in literature on eBooks: A scopus based bibliometric analysis
    (2018) Kolle, S. R.; Shettar, Iranna. M; Vijay Kumar, M.; Parameshwar, G. S.
    This study collected literature published during 2001-2016 from the Scopus database. Following keywords were used: “eBook*”, “e-Book*”, “electronic book*” or “online book*” in title or keyword or abstract with time span covering 2001 to 2016. The authors further restricted their search limit to subject category of social science, computer science and arts and humanities. A total of 2,965 documents were found from the search strategy, including 1,582 research articles. Articles were considered for the analysis using Microsoft Excel 2007. The bibliometric analysis was performed to analyze the document types, language, publication output, citations, authorship pattern, journals, prolific authors, productive countries and most frequently appeared top words/phrases from the title of the articles.