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Item Use of genetic algorithm to determine lightning channel-base current-function parameters(2014) Chandrasekaran, K.; Punekar, G.S.A genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to calculate the lightning current parameters of the channel-base current function. Heidler's function parameters for subsequent return stroke are tuned for a typical value of I-m (\approx 12 kA) for different (di/dt)-{{\rm max}} and also for a typical value of (di/dt)-{{\rm max}} ( \approx 40 kA/\mus) for different values of I-m, using a GA as the tool. This is a first of its kind attempt to show that a GA can be used for identifying Heidler's function parameters (as adopted by IEC Standard 62305-1, 2006) to easily obtain the required lightning current wave shape. The data are thus generated and reported (including the extreme cases) in this paper that are thought to be useful in modeling lightning channel-base currents. Further, this approach will be useful in research related to the radiated lightning electromagnetic pulse and its coupling with nearby objects. � 1964-2012 IEEE.Item Solving security issues in Docker using Stackelberg Games(2016) Sharath, N.; Kumar, V.; Chandrasekaran, K.Container technology has taken the world by storm and is replacing virtual machines rapidly. Docker is an open source tool that has implemented containers based on the linux ecosystem. Being lightweight and scalable, Docker has made data scaling very simple. Despite the obvious success of Dockerized applications, certain faults hold it back when it comes to usage in organizations that work with distributed teams. From a security standpoint, it is essential to be aware of scenarios that could cause the downfall of a company's entire network ecosystem with a single command. The study begins with a deep dive into Docker's code base and stress tests that have unearthed some more security issues. Taking into account one such issue related to networking in a multi-container environment gives rise to play on the trade off between efficiency of resource usage in a container, to its security. Using the backward induction technique of a stackelberg competition model, the efficiency of the distributed system can be made a function of its security and functionality. Solutions for both the scenarios where the attacker's type is known and unknown have been proposed using game theoretic approaches. A comparison on Machine Learning and Linear Programming based approaches give rise to the most optimal method for adopting a defense strategy in case of attacks in such distributed systems. International Science Press.Item Straddling the crevasse: A review of microservice software architecture foundations and recent advancements(2019) Joseph, C.T.; Chandrasekaran, K.Microservice architecture style has been gaining wide impetus in the software engineering industry. Researchers and practitioners have adopted the microservices concepts into several application domains such as the internet of things, cloud computing, service computing, and healthcare. Applications developed in alignment with the microservices principles require an underlying platform with management capabilities to coordinate the different microservice units and ensure that the application functionalities are delivered to the user. A multitude of approaches has been proposed for the various tasks in microservices-based systems. However, since the field is relatively young, there is a need to organize the different research works. In this study, we present a comprehensive review of the research approaches directed toward microservice architectures and propose a multilevel taxonomy to categorize the existing research. The study also discusses the different distributed computing paradigms employing microservices and identifies the open research challenges in the domain. 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Item Sharding distributed social databases using social network analysis(2015) Bhat, P.T.; Thankachan, R.V.; Chandrasekaran, K.Social networking services support millions of users who interact with one another on a regular basis and generate substantial amounts of data. Due to the inherently distributed structure of such networks and the possible remoteness of the users, the data involved must be partitioned into shards and distributed over a number of servers. One of the most important functionalities of a social networking platform is to process queries related, not only to a given users data but also to the users acquaintances. This suggests that a competent sharding algorithm for a distributed social database must make use of the social network s topology. We describe algorithms that utilize the structure of social networks to prepare shards that result in better query performance, lower network utilization and better load balancing. 2015, Springer-Verlag Wien.Item Multi-ENPS simulator support tool with automatic file inter-conversion and multi-membrane execution(2020) Raghavan, S.; Gangadhar, Y.; Pattar, V.; Chandrasekaran, K.P System or Membrane Computing is an unconventional and natural computing model inspired by the functioning of a living cell. This model has an inherently parallel structure. There are several variants of P System developed, each of which has a different application. One of the variants, Enzymatic Numerical P System (ENPS), has primarily been developed to be used with numerical values (as in economics) and thus has vast applications. For realizing ENPS there are several tools available, primarily based on Java and Python, each of which has a different input format. Currently, there is no tool which allows the user to execute ENPS using both the simulators on the same platform, the issue being inter-conversion between input formats, namely, XML and PeP (specific format designed for Python based ENPS). Another major issue with existing simulators is their inability to allow multiple membrane systems to be executed and there is no facility for interconnection between two membrane systems. A tool developed here solves both problems namely, file inter-conversion and multiple membrane support by transferring dependent variable values automatically according to users choice. The tool is developed using Python 3.0 and has only a few dependencies. The tool is tested under different scenarios and the results confirm the correctness of the tool. 2019 Elsevier B.V.Item Impact analysis of legacy system migration to the cloud environment: A focused study(2020) Seetharamatantry, H.; Murulidhar, N.N.; Chandrasekaran, K.Although Legacy System frameworks are frequently worked over numerous years by a blend of IT and business specialists. They stay inflexible inside the authoritative setting and business speculation made by practical applications. Semantic Design provides highly automated tools and services to migrate legacy system to a new platform. The proposed migration of the legacy software life cycle model is used for legacy migration. Legacy modernization encourages the organization to rejoin to the changing interest in the business world. Manufactured goods conveyed through the cloud give the organization both new chances to expand their business and to manage expenses. The researchers concurred that the different legacy programming languages are discussed as in the result section. Both interoperability considerations and incorporation, expand upon measures for SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS in IT Business in the cloud market, has increased. 2020, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering. All rights reserved.Item Elucidating the challenges for the praxis of fog computing: An aspect-based study(2019) Martin, J.P.; Kandasamy, A.; Chandrasekaran, K.; Joseph, C.T.The evolutionary advancements in the field of technology have led to the instigation of cloud computing. The Internet of Things paradigm stimulated the extensive use of sensors distributed across the network edges. The cloud datacenters are assigned the responsibility for processing the collected sensor data. Recently, fog computing was conceptuated as a solution for the overwhelmed narrow bandwidth. The fog acts as a complementary layer that interplays with the cloud and edge computing layers, for processing the data streams. The fog paradigm, as any distributed paradigm, has its set of inherent challenges. The fog environment necessitates the development of management platforms that effectuates the orchestration of fog entities. Owing to the plenitude of research efforts directed toward these issues in a relatively young field, there is a need to organize the different research works. In this study, we provide a compendious review of the research approaches in the domain, with special emphasis on the approaches for orchestration and propose a multilevel taxonomy to classify the existing research. The study also highlights the application realms of fog computing and delineates the open research challenges in the domain. 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Item Exploring the support for high performance applications in the container runtime environment(2018) Martin, J.P.; Kandasamy, A.; Chandrasekaran, K.Cloud computing is the driving power behind the current technological era. Virtualization is rightly referred to as the backbone of cloud computing. Impacts of virtualization employed in high performance computing (HPC) has been much reviewed by researchers. The overhead in the virtualization layer was one of the reasons which hindered its application in the HPC environment. Recent developments in virtualization, especially the OS container based virtualization provides a solution that employs a lightweight virtualization layer and promises lesser overhead. Containers are advantageous over virtual machines in terms of performance overhead which is a major concern in the case of both data intensive applications and compute intensive applications. Currently, several industries have adopted container technologies such as Docker. While Docker is widely used, it has certain pitfalls such as security issues. The recently introduced CoreOS Rkt container technology overcomes these shortcomings of Docker. There has not been much research on how the Rkt environment is suited for high performance applications. The differences in the stack of the Rkt containers suggest better support for high performance applications. High performance applications consist of CPU-intensive and data-intensive applications. The High Performance Linpack Library and the Graph500 are the commonly used computation intensive and data-intensive benchmark applications respectively. In this work, we explore the feasibility of this inter-operable Rkt container in high performance applications by running the HPL and Graph500 applications and compare its performance with the commonly used container technologies such as LXC and Docker containers. 2018, The Author(s).Item ETRT Cross layer model for optimizing transmission range of nodes in low power wireless networks An Internet of Things Perspective(2018) Sarwesh, P.; Shet, N.S.V.; Chandrasekaran, K.Internet of Things network is managed by battery operated devices and low power radio links since they are referred to low power networks. In present communication era, many research works are concentrating on low power wireless network. Cross layer design is one of the acclaimed technique that decidedly improves the network performance. In this article, we come up with the cross-layer model that satisfies distinct network requirements and prolongs network lifetime. It integrates physical layer, data link layer (Media Access Control) and network layer in the protocol stack. In our model, a threshold value called ETRT (Expected Transmission Range Threshold) is introduced, which is computed with the help of routing information. Later, MAC based power control technique utilizes the ETRT value and assigns optimum transmission range for every node. The idea at the heels of proposed cross layer model is estimating the capability (ETRT value) of the particular node and assigning the suitable transmission power for every node, based on its capability (ETRT value). Hence, assigning optimum transmission power based on ETRT information prolongs the network lifetime with better reliability and Quality of Service(QoS). From our results, it is noticed that the ETRT based cross layer model performs twice better than the standard model. 2018 Elsevier B.V.Item Effective integration of reliable routing mechanism and energy efficient node placement technique for low power IoT networks(2017) Sarwesh, P.; Shet, N.S.V.; Chandrasekaran, K.Internet of Things (IoT) is the emerging technology that links physical devices (sensor devices) with cyber systems and allows global sharing of information. In IoT applications, devices are operated by battery power and low power radio links, which are constrained by energy. In this paper, node placement technique and routing mechanism are effectively integrated in single network architecture to prolong the lifetime of IoT network. In proposed network architecture, sensor node and relay node are deployed, sensor nodes are responsible for collecting the environmental data and relay nodes are responsible for data aggregation and path computation. In node placement technique, densities of relay nodes are varied based on traffic area, to prevent energy hole problem. In routing technique, energy efficient and reliable path computation is done to reduce number of re transmissions. To adopt IoT scenario, we included IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC radio and IPv6 packet structure in proposed network architecture. Proposed work result shows, proposed architecture prolongs network lifetime. Copyright 2017, IGI Global.